The LDAV sessions will take place in Grand Ballroom D on the 2nd floor. The Posters will be set up in the 2nd Floor Foyer.  You can find a map of the location in the Visweek Program

Sunday, October 14, 2012
8:45 9:00 LDAV opening remarks
9:00 10:00 Keynote Divide and Recombine: An Approach for Analyzing Large Datasets Pat Hanrahan Stanford University
10:00 10:10 Paper Fast Forward
10:10 10:30 Break
10:30 12:10 Papers Interacting with Large Data
Panning and Zooming the Observable Universe with Subsequence-Matching Trees Timothy Luciani University of Pittsburgh
Interactive Exploration of Large-scale Time-varying Data using Dynamic Track ing Graphs Wathsala Widanagamaachchi SCI Institute
Interactive Transfer Function Design on Large Multiresolution Volumes Steven Martin The Ohio State University
Query-driven Parallel Exploration of Large Datasets Atanas Atanasov Technische Universitat Munchen
12:10 2:00 Lunch
2:00 3:40 Papers Features in Large Data
Efficient Parallel Extraction of Crack-free Isosurfaces from Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) Data Gunther Weber Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Parallel Stream Surface Computation for Large Data Sets David Camp UC Davis/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Salient Time Steps Selection from Large Scale Time-Varying Data Sets with Dynamic Time Warping Xin Tong The Ohio State University
On The Use of Graph Search Techniques for The Analysis of Extreme-scale Combustion Simulation Data Janine Bennett Sandia National Labs
3:40 4:15 Break
4:15 4:30 Poster Fast Forward
4:30 5:30 Panel

Insights into Large Data Analysis

Chair: Chris Johnson

SCI Institute
Olga Brazhnik NIH
Christopher White DARPA
Jim Ahrens LANL
Jens Kruger DKFI
6:00 7:30 Joint Reception and Poster Session with BIOVIS
Monday, October 15, 2012
8:45 9:00 LDAV Announcements
9:00 10:00 Keynote A Trillion Photos Steven Seitz University of Washington
10:00 10:10 Paper Fast Forward
10:10 10:30 Break
10:30 12:15 Papers Visualization of Large Data
Visual Analysis of Massive Web Session Data Zeqian Shen eBay Research Labs
Gaussian Mixture Model Based Volume Visualization Shusen Liu SCI Institute
Virtual Rheoscopic Fluids for Dense, Large-Scale Fluid Flow Visualization Paul Navratil Texas Advanced Computing Center
Meta Parallel Coordinates for Visualizing Features in Large, High-Dimensional, Time-varying Data Aritra Dasgupta UNC Charlotte
Redirecting Research in Large-format Displays for Visualization Kenneth Moreland Sandia National Labs
12:15 2:00 Lunch
2:00 3:50 Papers Foundational Techniques for Large Data
Group Dynamics in Scientific Visualization Sedat Ozer Rutgers University
In-situ Fragment Detection at Scale Nathan Fabian Sandia National Labs
Flow-guided File Layout for Out-of-core Pathline Computation Chunming Chen The Ohio State University
Scalable Computation of Distributions from Large Scale Data Sets Abon Chaudhuri The Ohio State University
Using NoSQL Databases for Streaming Network Analysis Brian Wylie Sandia National Labs
3:50 4:15 Break
4:15 4:45 Award Ceremony: Best Paper and Best Poster