Accepted Posters

Enabling Interactive Mesh Quality Exploration of Large Scale CFD Simulations in Virtual Environments
Fang Chen, Christian Wagner, Markus Flatken, Andreas Gerndt, Hans Hagen

Better Understanding of the Web through 3D Visualization
Zhiming Chen, Andras Farago

Poster: Building a Large Tiled-Display Cluster
Jonathan Decker, Mark Livingston

DASH- Data Abstraction and Sharing
Stefan Eilemann

Interactive Visual Analytics of Coastal Oceanographic Simulation data
Richard George, Peter Robbins, Alan Davies, Jonathan Roberts

Spectroscopy of Performance Anomalies in the Cloud
Arun Kejariwal

Interaction Techniques for a Strata Treemap
Oh-hyun Kwon, Junghong Choi, Kyungwon Lee

Anomaly Analysis and Visualization through Compressed Graphs
Qi Liao, Lei Shi, Xiaohua Sun

A Static Load Balancing Scheme for Parallel Volume Rendering on Multi-GPU Clusters
Shusen Liu, Venkatram Vishwanath, Joseph Insley, Mark Hereld, Michael E. Papka, Valerio Pascucci

Visualizing Nearest Neighbours for Large High Dimensional Real Datasets
Mounica Maddela, Kamalakar Karlapalem

Hybrid Distributed Rendering
Georg Tamm, Thomas Fogal, Jens Krüger

Hybrid Parallel Streamline Extraction Combining MPI and OpenCL
Michael Vetter, Stephan Olbrich

Volumetric Data Modeling and Reduction in a Compressive Sensing Framework
Xie Xu, Mahsa Mirzargar, Alireza Entezari

A Particle Filter Based Approach of Visualizing Time-varying Volume
Jian Zhao

A System for More Intuitive Multivariate Volume Exploration and Visualization
Liang Zhou, Charles Hansen

Call for Posters

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We invite you to submit unpublished work to the LDAV poster program. The poster program is a venue designed to highlight ongoing research and late breaking topics that have produced promising preliminary results. In addition to the topics listed under call for papers, we also welcome submissions that showcase successful stories of applying visualization to large-scale data intensive applications . The poster program will be a great opportunity for the authors to interact with the symposium attendees and solicit feedback.
Interested authors should submit a two-page abstract that describes the underlying problem, the proposed method, and preliminary results. We are working towards including the accepted poster abstracts as part of the proceedings. The format of the abstract will be the same as the format used for the regular paper submission. Poster authors are encouraged, but not required, to include a draft or sketch of the poster layout and content in their submission to help reviewers and show that the poster format is being used effectively. This should be in PDF format. The authors should indicate if the poster will be accompanied by an on-site demonstration and/or videos.


Poster Submission Site: Go to the submission site, log in, and select 'Submit to LDAV 2012 Posters'
Poster Format Requirements can be found here. Page Limit: 2 pages
Best Poster Award:
The LDAV committee will present a 'Best Poster' award to the authors of what is deemed the strongest submission to the conference according to the reviewing criteria. The 'Best Poster' award will be announced at the LDAV reception.
Layout and dimensions of the posters:

The dimensions of the posters should not exceed the A0 space (841mm x 1189mm / 33.1 ” x 46.8 ”). The poster authors can determine the layout by themselves, but please be sure to follow the dimensions described above.