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Paper/Poster Fast Forward

At the beginning of LDAV there will be a Paper and Poster Fast Forward session. You will have 30 seconds to succinctly state the topic of your paper or poster and make a pitch to have people attend your talk.

Your responsibilities:

  • By Tuesday, October 18 send a PowerPoint slide, using the slide template, to be projected during your fast forward slot to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you send one slide, that will be presented for 30 seconds. If you provide multiple slides or animations, please add timings for 30 seconds. (You will not be able to advance the slides by hand.)
  • On the morning of LDAV, assemble at the front of the room before the first session (at 8:20 am).
  • Line up in order of presentation for the day (there will be LDAV volunteers there to help).
  • Be prepared to give a 30 second sales pitch for your talk or poster.
  • Please do not try to summarize your whole talk in 30 seconds. It will not work. Rather, state the topic and convince the audience to attend your talk/poster. Creative fast forwards are encouraged, but avoid being confusing, off-topic, or inappropriate.
  • If you cannot attend the fast forward, please send a delegate who can do it.

Paper Presentation

All papers get 20 minutes for the talk and then 5 minutes for questions and switching presenters. We have a full schedule this year, so please stay on time.

There is an LDAV slide template available for light or dark background. Additional information regarding the facility equipment is available at: