Call for Papers
Data scales are increasing throughout scientific, business, and research
contexts. Large-scale scientific simulations, observation technologies,
sensor networks, and experiments are generating enormous datasets, with
some projects approaching the multiple exabyte range in the near term.
Gaining insight from massive data is critical for disciplines such as
climate science, nuclear physics, security, materials design,
transportation, urban planning, and so on. Business-critical decisions
are made based on massive data in domains like social media, machine
learning, software telemetry, and business intelligence. The tools and
approaches needed to search, analyse, and visualize data at extreme
scales can be fully realized only from end-to-end solutions, and with
collective, interdisciplinary efforts.
The 10th IEEE Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV)
symposium, to be held in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2020, is specifically
targeting methodological innovation, algorithmic foundations, and
possible end-to-end solutions. The LDAV symposium will bring together
domain experts, data analysts, visualization researchers, and users to
foster common ground for solving both near- and long-term problems.
We are looking for both original research contributions and position
papers on a broad-range of topics related to collection, analysis,
manipulation, and visualization of large-scale data. We are particularly
interested in innovative approaches that combine information
visualization, visual analytics, and scientific visualization.
We are interested in methods for data at scale, including:
- Distributed, parallel, and multi-threaded computation
- Streaming methods
- Innovative software solutions
- Advanced hardware and GPU-based approaches
- Hierarchical data storage, retrieval, processing, and rendering
- Sampling, approximate query processing, and progressive computation
- Collection, management, and curation of massive datasets
- Scalable visualization and exploration methods
- Ensemble data visualization and analysis
- In-situ data analysis
We are also interested in understanding state of the art techniques,
- Best practices for large data visualization
- End-to-end system solutions in a large data context
- Industry solutions for big data analysis and visualization
We are interested in research on the context of visualization,
- Collaboration or/and co-design of large data analysis with domain
- Topics in cognitive issues specific to manipulating and understanding
large data
- Application case studies
- New challenges in visualizing experimental, observational, or
simulation data
Full Papers
Full papers should have a maximum length of 9 pages with up to two (2)
additional pages allowed for only references (maximum total of 11
pages). Full papers may make contributions in techniques, systems,
applications, evaluations, or theory. The contributions of full papers
are reviewed based on their novelty, contribution, replicability, and
New this year!
The Best Paper for IEEE LDAV will be published directly in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). Further, other excellent papers will be encouraged to submit journal versions of their work to TVCG (at least 30% new scientific/technical content), with reviewer continuity.
Short Papers
Short papers should have a length of 4-5 pages in total. Short papers
are a venue to report smaller contributions than full papers. Position
papers and showcases of interesting application of visualization are
good topics for short papers. Technique, system, application,
evaluation, or theory papers that have a smaller contribution than a
full paper can also be submitted as a short paper.
LDAV is accepting both full papers and short papers. The manuscripts
should be formatted according to
guidelines from IEEE VGTC.
Submission of an abstract is required prior to submission of a paper or short paper.
Submission site note: Go to the
submission site
(, log in, go to ‘Submissions’,
and select Society ‘VGTC’, Conference ‘LDAV 2020’, and Track ‘LDAV 2020
The proceedings of the symposium will be published together with the VIS
proceedings and via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Best Paper
The LDAV Program Committee will present a Best Paper award to the
authors whose submission is deemed the strongest according to the
reviewing criteria. This award will be announced in conjunction with VIS 2020.
The Best Paper for LDAV will be published directly in IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). Further, in accordance with TVCG’s policy for extending conference papers, some excellent papers will be encouraged to submit journal versions of their work to TVCG, with reviewer continuity.
Important Dates
Please note: all deadlines are firm and no extensions will be granted.
- Abstract Deadline (firm)
- July 7, 2020, 11:59 PM (AOE)
- Paper Submission (firm)
- July 12, 2020, 11:59 PM (AOE)
- Author Notification
- August 21, 2020
- Camera-Ready Deadline (firm)
- August 28, 2020