The 9th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization
in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 21, 2019


Monday, October 21, 2019
Vancouver Convention Centre East, Ballroom A

9:00am – 9:20am Opening Remarks
Posters Fast Forward Details
9:20am – 10:10am

Keynote Presentation

Visual Analysis in the Age of Data
Professor Christopher R. Johnson, University of Utah Details
10:10am – 10:30am

Graph Layouts

(Session Chair: Brian Summa)
10:30am – 10:50am Break
10:50am – 12:10pm

Session: Feature Tracking and Rendering

(Session Chair: Chris Bryan)
12:20pm – 2:20 pm Lunch
2:20pm – 3:40pm

Session: Turbulence, Particles and Topology

(Session Chair: Xavier Tricoche)
3:50pm – 4:10pm Break
4:10pm – 5:10pm


AI + VIS in the Era of Big Data
Moderator: Chaoli Wang
Panelists: Remco Chang, Joshua Levine, Huamin Qu, Han-Wei Shen
With the advent of deep learning, the renaissance of AI as a viable solution for solving challenging computer vision and natural language processing problems has quickly swept across a wide variety of fields including VIS. Since 2016, we have witnessed a thriving trend of successful research works in both VIS for AI and AI for VIS. At IEEE LDAV 2019, we organize this panel and invite experts to discuss their experience and thoughts on AI + VIS in the era of big data, and share their view of existing challenges and future directions of this research.
5:10pm – 5:30pm Best Paper Awards
Closing Remarks

Video Showcase


Visual Analysis in the Age of Data
Professor Chris R. Johnson, Scientific Computing & Imaging (SCI) Institute, University of Utah, USA

slides pptx    slides pdf

We live in the Age of Data. Ninety percent of all data in the world has been created in the past two years alone, at a rate of exabytes per day. New data of all kinds — structured, unstructured, quantitative, qualitative, spatial, and temporal — is growing exponentially and in every way. Given the vast amount of data being produced, one of our greatest scientific challenges is to effectively understand and make use of it. Because visualization both facilitates the reasoning process by supporting the human capacity to perceive, understand, and reason about complex large-scale data and enables researchers to derive knowledge from data, visual data analysis is one of our most important tools for understanding such large-scale complex data. In this talk, I will present recent visual analysis research and applications in science, engineering, and medicine from the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute and discuss current and future visualization research challenges.


Chris R. Johnson is a faculty member and the founding director of the Scientific Computing & Imaging (SCI) Institute and a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science the University of Utah. He is a Fellow of AIMBE (2004), AAAS (2005), SIAM (2009), and IEEE (2014) and an inaugural member of the IEEE Visualization Academy (2019). Professor Johnson has received multiple research awards including the NSF Presidential Faculty Fellow award from President Clinton, the Governor’s Medal for Science and Technology, the Utah Cyber Pioneer Award, the IEEE Visualization Career Award, the IEEE IPDPS Charles Babbage Award, the IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award, and the University of Utah’s most prestigious faculty award, the Rosenblatt Prize. Professor Johnson serves on multiple international journal editorial boards, as well as on advisory boards to several national and international research centers. With Charles Hansen, he co-edited the Visualization Handbook.


The LDAV posters session will take place during the IEEE VIS Opening Reception, which is happening the evening before LDAV on Sunday, October 20, 7:00pm – 9:00pm. The posters will be on display throughout LDAV. Authors will summarize their posters during a fast forward session at the beginning of LDAV.

Fast Forward Video