The 7th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization
in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2017, Phoenix, Arizona, October 2, 2017

Call for Papers


Modern large-scale scientific simulations, sensor networks, and experiments are generating enormous datasets, with some projects approaching the multiple exabyte range in the near term. Managing and analyzing large datasets in order to transform it into insight is critical for a variety of disciplines including climate science, nuclear physics, security, materials design, transportation, and urban planning. The tools and approaches needed to mine, analyze, and visualize data at extreme scales can be fully realized only if there are end-to-end solutions, which demands collective, interdisciplinary efforts.

The 7th IEEE Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV) symposium, to be held in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2017, is specifically targeting methodological innovation, algorithmic foundations, and possible end-to-end solutions. The LDAV symposium will bring together domain scientists, data analysts, visualization researchers, and users to foster common ground for solving both near- and long-term problems.


We are looking for original research contributions on a broad-range of topics related to collection, analysis, manipulation or visualization of large-scale data. We also welcome position papers on these topics.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Submission Instructions

Submitted manuscripts should have a length of 8 or 9 pages, with an additional two (2) pages allowed only for references. Alternatively, authors may submit short papers of 4-5 pages total length. The manuscripts should be formatted according to guidelines from IEEE VGTC. Submission of an abstract is required prior to submission of a paper or short paper.

Submission site

Go to the submission site, log in, go to ‘new submissions’, and select ‘LDAV 2017 Papers’.


The proceedings of the symposium will be published together with the VIS proceedings and via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Best Paper

The LDAV Program Committee will present a Best Paper award to the authors whose submission is deemed the strongest according to the reviewing criteria. This award will be announced in conjunction with VIS 2017.

Important Dates

Please note: all deadlines are firm and no extensions will be granted.

Abstract Deadline (firm)
June 9, 2017
Paper Submission (firm)
June 16, 2017, 11:59 PM (AOE)
Author Notification
August 4, 2017
Camera-Ready Deadline
August 11, 2017