LDAV 2014

What is a Paper Fast Forward Session?

Each day, there will be a Paper Fast Forward session. You will have one minute to succinctly state the topic of your paper, and make a pitch to have people attend your talk. Your responsibilities:

  • (Optional) By Weds Nov 5th, send one PowerPoint slide, using the slide template, to be projected during your fast forward slot. If you don't send one, that's OK. We will project a slide with the first and second pages of your paper.
  • On the day of your paper presentation, assemble at the front of the room before the fast forward (i.e., at 2:25 if you speak on Sunday, 5:45 if you present a poster, or 8:30 if you speak on Monday).
  • Line up in order of presentation for the day (there will be LDAV volunteers there to help).
  • Be prepared to give a one minute sales pitch for your talk.
  • If you can't attend the Fast Forward, plase send a delegate who can do it.

How Much Time Do I Get?

All papers get 25 minutes for the talk, and 5 minutes for questions.

Is There an LDAV Slide Template?

Yes. Here it is.